The Inclusion Guarantee

I am immensely proud to have been involved with TramShed for the past 15 years. I was initially a parent of a TramShed member and then joined the committee and became a Trustee. More recently, I have been involved in the TramShed Voice Committee.

Toni Fairholm

I know first-hand that the group has changed the lives of all associated with it for the better. 

They ensure that everyone is respected and listened to; valuing the differences each other brings. Everyone associated with the group is empowered to be themselves, engendering a sense of belonging and encouraging relationships that last way beyond the TramShed activities. By celebrating people as they are, rather than as how others think they should be, TramShed build true confidence in their members. The group really do make a reality of inclusion:  

15 years of TramShed, what a journey it has been. 

The product of the work that was, just one man’s hopes and dreams. 

Who knew the impact it would have on everyone involved.

The magic really happened when it grew and it evolved. 

It’s really something special with a vision to impress. 

Hard work and dedication are what make it a success.  

Trustees, volunteers and friends give all their time for free. 

On stage and in the workshops, commitment is the key. 

It hasn’t always been so easy, funding has been stressful.

Evidence of impact, helped make bids for funds successful! 

Celebrating people and all that they can do. 

Is what inspires those who are involved, to make their dreams come true. 

Being part of something where differences are celebrated. 

Ensures that confidence is heightened and feelings are liberated. 

During the pandemic, TramShed members were united. 

As always, they ensured that support for all was provided.  

By investing in their ethos, to change the lives of everyone. 

TramShed has achieved much more than drama and good fun. 

The tears and laughter fun and games are just a front you see. 

What really makes it work for all is an Inclusion guarantee!


Toni Fairholm

Treasurer & TramShed Voice Member


15 Years - Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!


My TramShed Family